Monday, January 12, 2009

Jefferson Memorial

Not something I would generally paint so I guess that's a good enough reason to do just that. This was from Karin Jurick's challenge blog.  The building looks rather like some alien space craft I'm afraid, but I do like this time of the evening.  There is a wonderful shift that happens that is more than just a dimming of the day, it's a revival of the night as if it were some tangible creature.


Vern Schwarz said...

Robin, that's a very poetic description of a really nice painting. You captured the mood very well.

Carol Horzempa said...

Your Jefferson Memorial painting caught my eye. I like your painting style and colors. Also very nice dog paintings, especially the one of Gizmo!

dominique eichi said...

Your painting has a glow, nice piece. I love the lab I have one like this at home but chocolate. : )

robin peterson said...

Thank you all for your encouragement! I wasn't so sure about this one!

Edward Burton said...

You caught the time of day perfectly in your beautiful painting.